Makeup, Beauty, Life.

Monday, 14 November 2016

My First Charlotte Tilbury Haul

It's fair to say that Charlotte Tilbury has whipped up a storm since it launched, beautiful rose gold packaging and beautiful products! I'm not quite sure why it's taken my such a long time to make a purchase! However, when I was in London with my boyfriend a few weeks ago I couldn't resist having a nosy at the counter in Selfridges!

Let me tell you it was beautiful! I knew I wanted the Glastonberry Lipstick, I've seen it everywhere and the shade is perfect for this season! then when I was hit with "Is that everything?" my mind thought HELL NO. So of course I had to enquire about (surprise surprise) a brown nude lipstick. When the lady showed me Hepburn Honey watched on her hand I fell in love, I didn't even need to try it, I knew I wanted it there and then.

That evening I wore Glastonberry out for mexican food and I was so surprised at how comfortable it was for a matte lipstick! It lasted so well and I loved the colour! Then the next day I wore Hepburn Honey and I fell even more in love with these lipsticks! I thought hold the phone I have to go back and get more goodies! So I went back and picked up Iconic Nude Lipliner, Bad Romance Lipliner, Blondie Gloss and the infamous Kim K W Lipstick. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself people!!!

I am absolutely blown away by the quality of these lipsticks they truly are unbelievable. Recently I've been wearing Iconic Nude Lipliner, Hepburn Honey Lipstick and Blondie Gloss this is my current go to! I've also been pairing Kim K W Lipstick with MAC Whirl lipliner which I also love!

(Swatches from top to bottom)
Blondie Gloss, Bad Romance lipliner, Iconic Nude lipliner, Hepburn Honey Lipstick, Glastonberry Lipstick and Kim K W Lipstick. 

Have you tried any Charlotte Tilbury products? I'm in love with mine! Let me know what your favourite products are in the comments below! See you soon!

Rebecca x



  1. Lovely haul! So many great products. I have yet to try anything from CT!

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  2. The packaging is so beautiful. I was going to treat myself to a lipstick a few weeks ago in a store in Glasgow but couldn't get in because she was actually there! What are the chances? I love the shades you chose.

    Roxie | The Beautiful Bluebird

    1. No way! I bet it was so busy and you went there on the off chance too! What shade was you thinking of buying? Thanks for your comment!x


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