Makeup, Beauty, Life.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Becoming A Coconut Queen

Big exciting news! I am a Coconut Queen! And saying that makes me feel so sassy! For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about I'll continue. 

Coconut Lane is a UK brand who bring us chic fashion accessories and sassy homeware items! Coconut Lane have an Amabassador Scheme for bloggers like me and you to give us the opportunity to work with them and give our followers 20% off with an exclusive discount code assinged to each Coconut Queen, which when used gives us 25% commission in return. I absolutely love the brand Coconut Lane their homeware is so cute and so up my street, so when I got an email offering me a position as a Coconut Queen as you can tell I was over the moon! I couldn't wait to get my first order through!

They sell the cutest items perfect for blog backgrounds or statement homeware pieces for your home! (I've also got a pair of rose gold sunnies for my holiday next month!) You can use my code: rebeccacapel20 off your purchase and save yourself 20% gals!

Let me know if you're a Coconut Queen and what your favourite items are from their website!


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